Up One Level

Democracy, Governance, Policy, & Canadian Government

My ideal political party would be one that teaches its members that they don't need the Party, and the power to change the world resides in each of us. Imagine our current government without the encumbrances of the Party. Imagine policy created by transparent inclusive public forum, and not by the corporate back room lobbyists. So fill the void past the "one time" cooperation, by abolishing the Parties, and returning the power to the local MP's office.
That should put the thieves that live among us to quivering.



Traditional Sources of Canadian Policy

Alternative Options for Policy

Democracy Fail, Canadian Government Gone Wrong

Errosion of Sovereignty - Free Trade & the Democratic Deficit

Canadian System of Government: Monarchy of England, Governor General, Prime Minister, Parliament (House of Commons & Senate), Supreme Court (Judiciary)

Parliament: Legislature

Prime Minister's Office, PMO

Judiciary, Courts, & Laws

Justice Fail, Canadian Law Gone Wrong

Constitution Act

Jurisdiction: Where you stand under the law

Federal Court of Canada

Org chart of Canadian courts

Other links:

Supreme Court of Canada Judgements
